Simon Storage announces new UK waste handling facility

Simon Storage is pleased to announce that it has agreed the necessary terms of a Part A PPC permit with the Environment Agency for the handling of hazardous and non-hazardous bulk liquid wastes at its comprehensive Immingham terminal complex on the south bank of the River Humber. The Environment Agency takes great care when permitting such activities, and this is the first time in 80 years that companies will be able to use Immingham Storage for storing both hazardous and non-hazardous bulk liquid wastes for off-site disposal or recovery.

Simon Storage has a long history of handling bulk liquid wastes under permit at its East Coast terminals located at Seal Sands, Teesside as well as at Velva Liquids, Tyneside. In 2012 Simon Storage was successful in applying for the necessary Radioactive Substance Regulations (RSR) permits to handle NORM products, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material typically originating from the North Sea.

The permission regime for storing hazardous bulk liquid wastes is stringent and as an EPR Part A process wastes must be stored in tanks with impermeable bunding and managed under strict stock management systems and reporting regimes.  Outfall consents are also subject to regular monitoring and reporting to ensure compliance within consented limits. Another prerequisite is competent staff training, both to meet permitting requirements and also to uphold Simon’s commitment to personal and process safety.  Simon now has WAMITAB (formerly the Waste Management Industry Training & Advisory Board) qualified staff located at each of Simon’s East Coast terminals, and where NORM products are located staff also hold an approved Radiation Protection Supervisor’s (RPS)  qualification.

In addition to permission for the receipt, storage and redelivery of hazardous and non-hazardous bulk liquid wastes, Simon Storage has also been permitted to carry out water separation activities and the recovery of the separated hazardous and non-hazardous waste. In 2010 Simon Storage invested in new water treatment facilities, and will now be permitted to use this plant for the disposal of the separated waste water. The above activities cover a wide range of permitted EWC codes.

Simon Storage has longstanding experience of handling hazardous products, including both fuels and chemicals as well as gases.  Commenting on the new Part A PPC waste handling permit for Immingham Storage, Paul Oseland, Commercial Director, says:  “This is exciting news for both Simon Storage and the UK waste and recycled oil industries. We have seen an increase in demand for suitable storage and new disposal routes for hazardous wastes in line with increasing environmental awareness. I am delighted that we are now able to make these facilities available to a wide and growing European and domestic market. Immingham Storage has a wide range of suitable tankage and available capacity within our water treatment plant enables us to offer some competitive and innovative market solutions.”