Waste oil permits proving a success

Last year Simon Storage was granted an EPR permit from the Environment Agency for the handling of hazardous and non-hazardous bulk liquid wastes at its comprehensive Immingham Terminal complex, and this new waste storage capability is attracting considerable interest from the UK and European waste oil and recycling markets.
One such company that has been quick to take advantage of the possibilities presented by these new supply chain solutions is Avista’s German refinery business – Avista Oil Refining & Trading Deutschland GmbH. Together with Acumen Energy (of which Avista Oil AG holds a 56% share), Avista is now collecting waste lubricating oil from various recycled sources within the UK for bulk up at Simon’s Immingham Terminals, prior to exporting to Avista’s European refineries for recycling.
Avista Oil AG is one of Europe’s leading groups of companies involved in the recycling of used oil and regards itself as a technology leader in the production of upcycled high-quality base oils and lubricants. With refinery and collection logistics sites in Europe and the US, Avista has been positioned in this market for some 60 years.
In line with increasing environmental awareness, the UK has a potentially lucrative market for waste oil collections, and with limited refinery operations within the UK there is a growing demand for routes to export product to Europe for reprocessing.
Simon Storage has also recently been awarded a further environmental permit to handle NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) contaminated bulk liquid waste at the Immingham Terminal. Such materials typically arise from North Sea Oil exploration activities, and even at very low levels of radiation require appropriate permits with stringent conditions attached to ensure products are handled safely and securely before being transferred for treatment.
Marketing Executive Rachel Lewin commented: “We are confident that the newly awarded Environment Agency permits will enable Immingham to strengthen its position as the first choice facility on the UK East Coast for the storage and handling of bulk liquids to both domestic and European customers.”
Simon Storage Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Inter Pipeline Limited, is a leading European independent bulk liquid and gas logistics service provider in the United Kingdom, Germany and Ireland. Simon manages third party facilities and has eight terminals and a total owned storage capacity of 1.28 million m³. Simon Storage’s terminals are all sea or major inland waterway connected, with several rail connected. Simon handles a variety of products, including conventional hydrocarbon and alternative fuels. In 2012 Inter Pipeline added a new European asset to its portfolio. Inter Terminals own and operate four terminals in Denmark, offering approximately 1.8 million m³ of storage in 50 tanks. The strategically located terminals act as a storage hub for the transhipment of petroleum products within Northern Europe.